- there's not especially much I can say about Shiki-Jitsu. I'm
extremely eager to see the film, but unfortunately no video release date
has been announced, let alone a US license of the movie. So until then...
here's some stuff to tide you over till we see a domestic release :)
My apologies for the file format of the film clip. If anyone knows of a plug-in for Premiere 6.0 to convert .asf to something more accessible - like .avi or .mpg - I'd like to know it ^_^;; The official Shiki-Jitsu Website Download #1 - Theatrical Trailer, Real Video Download #2 - Film Clip (subtitled in English!) - .ASF Video George Chen's review of Shiki-Jitsu - He did it again! Read George's review of Anno's latest film here. Full of insights only someone who's viewed the picture could put down. |