1984, at the age of 24, Hideaki Anno became the key animator for two very
important animated films. Hayao Miyazaki's classic Nausicaa of the
Valley of the Wind and Macross: Do You Remember Love? While
animating Nausicaa, Anno's desk was so littered with manga,
magazines and other reference materials that director Miyazaki wondered
aloud how Anno would be able to clean up after the film was completed.
In December of 1984, Studio Gainax is founded to produce the film Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise. Anno worked both on the promotional short film used to get funding from Bandai Entertainment (incidentally, in its time Wings had the largest budget for an anime film ever) and on the actual theatrical film. He provided key animation and special effects work for just about everything besides the human characters. Anno continued to work as a key-animator for anime shorts, Nintendo (Famicon) animation sequences and Daicon opening films. In 1988 Top o Nerae! Gunbuster vol. 1 is released. The OAV is Anno's professional directorial debut. Vols 2 and 3 followed, and Gunbuster became a fan favorite for its energy, style, and "fan service". |